Week2 Update

Training and planning in full swing this week.

The route is now finalised (allowing for a bit of discretion on the day) and has been documented on earlier posts. I used a family trip to Scarborough this weekend to drive the last 20 miles of the route and I’m happy with what I saw.

Training has been helped by me treating myself to a new toy – a Garmin Edge. The heart rate monitor function on this is brilliant and helps a novice like me train properly rather than just peddle away furiously until the legs wont turn any more. I need to do a threshold test later this week so I can personalise training zones but for now I’ve been using defaults for my age. I’ve also been collecting training plans to try and put a structure into things. I’ll be glad when the ice has gone though so I can swap indoor training for outdoor rides and my battles with the North Sea winds..


Week2 Update
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